Sunday, July 22, 2007

Madeline Tiered Cake

Did this 2 tiered cake for a friend's daughter.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Cupcakes on golf and soccer

These cupcakes are for Esther's hubby, who is into golf and soccer.. but I couldn't resist sneaking in a Cinderella for her daughter.. hehe...

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Wilton Master Course

I finally did it and fulfilled my dreams of attending the Master Course at Wilton school of Decorating..

It was an intensive 2 weeks. I had the Masters Course from 7-3pm, followed by Creative Confectionary where I learnt to make chocolates and candy and Gum Paste, where I learned to make roses, orchids, daisies and Cayla lilies. Classes then ends at 6.30pm which leaves me glazed and half dead.

Here's my fondant cake and my final project-a 3 tiered wedding cake